To be more Creative, know how Creativity Works!
Imagine a pinboard with five pins. Now you are given a thread and asked to make connections among the pins on the board.
There are multiple connections you can make but soon you come to a point where you are done with all the possible connections and now are just repeating them.
Creativity my friends works along with the same scenario.
The pinboard you imagined is your mind, the pins are your experiences, what you observe, what you do and what you learn from them and the thread are the connections made by our mind, because creativity is just connecting things, as quoted by Steve Jobs.
When you are born, your pinboard is empty, as you grow old, do and experience new things, make new mistakes, challenge yourself and learn from them, the pins get added to the board and the latter is handled by the brain
How it works is the more pins you have, the more connections the brain can make. The diverse the pins are, the unique your ideas might be. So basically the number and diversity of pins are directly proportional to your creativity. By diverse, I mean different things for example having knowledge in something other than your career field, a hobby of sorts or a new experience etc.
So there is no such thing as “born creative” or “ I am not creative” its just that if your pins growth goes stagnant then you will just be able to come up with ordinary ideas or in other words if you don’t have enough pins, you won’t be able to sprout out new, unique ideas.
But there is a thing to keep in mind too, more number but the same type(diversity) that is, doing the same thing again and again, is still counted as stagnant. Thus both need to grow the number and diversity because that is what makes you differently creative from others. But there is no guarantee that every single time you will get an out of the box idea, it's just you will be able to think more vividly.
How you can increase the number of pins is by trying new things, being curious and learning from mistakes because the mistakes you make are also pins that get added to your board. So explore things, try doing new things and challenge yourself and you will start seeing an improvement
So the point is to increase the number and diversity of pins so that brain has more pins to connect
I hope this helps you see a possibility of becoming more creative yourself.
Thank you for reading!